Monday, July 11, 2022

Zam's home made halal beef sausage


Hi Natty!  How are you doing today, Honey?  I hope that everything is easy going for you over there, and you are having tons of fun.  I'm having dinner right now as I type this letter to you.  Sausage rolls!  Oh, I guess you don't like sausage.  That's too bad Honey, you really should try one.  These things are better without any sauce.  It's almost the Great Pizza Day, and I'm prepping up for it.  Food prep is slow moving for me nowadays.  What I was able to do in 8 hours now takes me 2 weeks, and in far less quantities.  I guess it helps to have the dynamics of a restaurant and its backlog to help speed things up, but I will never work in a restaurant again.  Ya Allah, thank You for the knowledge but I not going back there again.  I made dough this morning, and it turned out great.  The dough should be in its prime come Thursday.  I made the sausage last week and put it in the freezer.  That's not a very clear photo, so good luck guessing the ingredients.  It's spicy!  I love sausage!  No you don't eat raw sausage, you have to cook it first.  You're not a sausage lover, but I still don't know what your favorite pizza toppings are.  I guess chicken and tomato would be satisfactory- that's what I will be making for my mother.  She doesn't like sausage either.  Not me, though.  I want sausage and basil!

I don't know what I was thinking when I put together Mary's outfit.  I think I'v been looing at too much haute couture:
* EXiA * Carina Heel & Socks
Alli&Ali Designs Blanche Hair
[sYs] COLETTE dress

Here's what I like from the Rahul Mishra SPRING 2022 COUTURE collection: