Friday, December 13, 2013

Letter to Julia 20131214

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi there, my beloved beautiful Queen Julia.  How are you feeling today?  How's business?  Ah!  I told you many times before that people will go bonkers over what you eat, so you had better pay more attention to your job as a professional endorser of food products.  This isn't an issue of privacy or pressure, so please don't be worried.  It is about the business of marriage, to ME.  You are MY girl, so people go crazy about your food.  So have fun with it, OK?  Be a diva about your food, OK?  Eat what you like, and what doesn't hurt your tummy.  Just remember the rules of halal, and don't overdo it.  I love you, Julia.

My dearest Erin, my dreamy beauty.  I finally got to watch the latest VS fashion show.  You are so beautiful, my heart soars to see what a wonderfully gorgeous woman you are.  I am so proud of you my mysterious princess, and I love you with all my heart. 

The same applies to you Erin, that people will go insane over what you eat, because it affects their income in some way.  MashaAllah.  Just don't forget the rules, and try to have fun OK?