Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160427

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

What is home?  For women and children, it is easy for you to return home to your mother.  But I am a 50 year old man.  For me to say that I want to go home to my Mommy is simply freakish.  It just doesn't sound right.  Now don't get me wrong, I love my mother with all my heart but a man needs a place to call his own, a family to call his own.  You are my family, and I am your home inshaAllah.  I love you and I need you.  Ya Allah, please help me.

This morning I went to pay my power bill.  At the same time, I stopped by the Tuesday market down the road and picked up a kilo of shrimp.  Big shrimp, good price.  I think they're farmed shrimp.  I also went downtown to the main market, and got more tofu and won ton skins.  So lunch was obviously fried won tons stuffed with shrimp.  It was a late lunch, because I spent a lot of time processing shrimp.  I had to cut off the moustaches, separate to heads from the bodies, then shell the shrimp for the won tons.  I love shrimp heads, they're great for flavor and for stuffing.  But don't stuff won tons with them!  Stuffed won tons should be light in flavor, so you can't use beef or chicken.  Seafood white meat only, clam meat is OK.  I made 43 won tons.  No, I didn't eat them all in one sitting.  I saved a few for my dinner, which was a block of tofu swimming in thick curry, with won tons.

In the evening, I trimmed the scrub over at your house inshaAllah.  The army ants attacked my balls again, so I had to douse them with pesticide again.  Then I dug up a tapioca for my Mom.  It was HUGE!  I love you, Mom!