Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160225

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hey there!  Hi there!  How's it going?  Talk of the town?  I hope you are feeling healthy and having a great time.  I guess you are doing more of the same thing until basketball season comes up.  I wish I could be with you, but the time will come inshaAllah.  My Dearest, have fun with your work, and stuff that bank account of yours OK?  I certainly have much to do here, but I think of you all the time, and of how beautiful you are.  I love you and I need you.

What did I do today?  It seems like I wasted the morning.  Oh yeah, I woke up late so by the time I got all the morning chores done, it was already time for lunch.  After voice training, I spent time with my baby mangoes.  The rainy season hasn't come yet, so there aren't any new fruit.  Then I went downtown to get some fried noodles for dinner.  There was some sort of Siamese bazaar going on, and the area was packed.  I wish I could have stopped by, but I had run out of cash.  Hey, can't endorse anything without the right budget, right?  So I went home.