Monday, May 25, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150526

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Of course, you don't have to use Sims 3 to design your house.  It's what I am using, only because I can relate to it, and you don't have to play along with me.  If you are already using some other design software, just go ahead and use that.  You don't have to rebuild everything in Sims 3 just because I use it.  I'm sure there are many other, and more professional, architecture programs out there.  All I ask is that you have a plan ready when the time comes inshaAllah, and I will show you what I have soon inshaAllah.

I just loafed around last night and this morning, so I got lots of sleep.  So I felt great when I had to sing this afternoon, and I totally enjoyed my singing practice.  I think I put out a great set.  I didn't have to do any Janis, though.  She always shreds my voice, even though I think I understand her approach, I will never acquire her range.  Which got my thinking, beauty sleep applies for girly voices too.  I guess I need to loaf around more.  Sounds great to me!

Nothing special on the menu today.  I had some leftover bean sprouts, so for lunch I made ramen noodles.  I also have all that sausage and dough left to finish, so for dinner was a couple of sausage calzones.  Want one?  Erin I love you, and I need you.