Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160203

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello, my most precious beloved.  Hi Princess!  And how are we feeling today?  Oh, it's all business hey?  There's always something going on with you.  After the Super Bowl, then it's March Madness, and so on.  That's part of being successful, right?  Please make sure you get lots of rest and eat properly.  Don't forget to pray.  I love you and I need you.  Thank you for your love.

Oh, there's nothing special going on here today.  I did a lot of running around on my motorcycle in the morning, doing shopping.  Mostly for my Mom.  She wanted some pineapple, coconut milk, plastic bags, coffee and chicken feet.  Yeah, chicken feet.  Don't ask me, I don't eat that stuff.  The chickenmonger didn't want to sell me any, but I managed to get RM1 worth.  I needed more T-shirts, so I got some used T-shirts at the Tuesday market.  Then I got home in time to make lunch, which was a huge bowl of noodles in beef broth.  The broth was from I boiled the ribs for my BBQ.  I try not to waste anything!  I also added garlic, onion, bamboo shoots, seaweed, and sliced steak.  Dinner was much simpler: I ate rice over at Ina's restaurant.  Now please excuse me, I'm going to lay out my bed and set up for guitar practice.  Ya Allah, thank You for the knowledge and the bounty that You have provided for me.