Monday, August 29, 2016

Qur'an 20160830

23.  O you who believe!  Take not for protectors your fathers and your brethren if they love infidelity above faith: if any of you do so, they do wrong.

24.  Say, "If it be that your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your mates, or your kindred; the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, or the dwellings in which you delight are dearer to you than Allah or God's messenger, or the striving in God's cause, then wait until Allah brings about God's Decision.  And Allah guides not the rebellious."

(The Repentance 9:23-24)

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Mary the avatar

Hi Piene!  How are you feeling, my dear?  I hope you are taking good care of your health, and not allowing others to compromise the beauty that God gave you.

Hi Nat!  Are you keeping cool, Stud Woman?  I understand you are feeling emotional lately.  Please understand that I have to marry Erin first before I take another wife.  I hope you are taking good care of your health, and not allowing others to compromise the beauty that God gave you, and please do well in your studies.

I didn't really understand exactly how significant Mary's role would play in my life until recently.  God warned me years ago that she would be a major player, God chose her name and yes folks, she is a virgin.  Then suddenly the details dawned on me and I had to bust my ass to strengthen her position, even though I still don't have the right equipment.  That was almost 2 months ago and the situation is still in flux, and I'm feeling kind of constantly nauseous because of it.  Nothing special on the menu today, I'm still eating poor man's food.  I spent the whole morning making bamboo shoot curry.  God, that stuff takes forever to make.  Oh, I should have taken a photo.