Hi Natty! How are you? I hope you are having a good time over there. I want you to know that I want the best life for you, and I love you with all of my heart. Please don't abandon me, because I need you. Please keep safe and healthy.
Fear of God teaches us retribution. While it may not put a few extra bucks in our pockets, it should give us the will to do the right thing at the expense of getting a few extra bucks. The two 10 year old boys were just playing around and having fun, but even a 10 year old child should know that beating a baby to death is wrong. He should have protected the baby. He deserves EQUAL blame as the boy who thought it would be fun to kidnap a child and torture it to death. Like the Nazi officers who were just following Hitler's orders. Like the wife who goes along with her husband's evil acts and instructions.
Mary's outfit is:
JE SUIS CHARLIE gloves by simonseren
Alli&Ali Designs Whitney Hair
AvaGirl - Leaf Necklace Gold
Pure Poison - Artizan Cloud Pumps
Here are my picks from the Armarium FALL 2023 READY-TO-WEAR collection:Here are my picks from the Arthur Arbesser FALL 2023 READY-TO-WEAR collection: