Thursday, January 18, 2018

Oh the things we do to ourselves...

Hi Erin!  My, that's a pretty dress you have on there.  It certainly matches the tune I have in my head right now.  You're so pretty!  Oh, I'm doing OK today.  I'm still a bit nauseous, but I think I've learned my lesson, again.  Sigh.  I knew better, but I broke my own rule.  Maybe I forgot?  Maybe I'm just stupid.  I didn't do much today, just slept and slept and slept.  I got through voice training OK, it actually didn't sound bad at all, but singing made me want to throw up.  I didn't though.   I didn't eat much today, just a cheeseburger in the morning and a cheeseburger in the evening.  Extra bland.

Natty, have you been doing some shopping?  Oh, don't tell me you spend your money on CLOTHES?  Your bosses should be giving you free clothes.  You provide better promotion for clothes than any fashion magazine right now, 24/7.  It's because you're so pretty!