Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Que Sera Sera

Dear Internet folk, sorry there was no voice training today.  Second Life wouldn't let me log in.  Things should be going on as usual tomorrow inshaAllah.

Hi Erin!  How is my American Queen doing today?  I hope business is going nice and easy for you, and that you are feeling absolutely great.  Did you know about the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is going off the air this year?  They said they had different plans or something.  I kind of saw it coming, and I lost personal interest in the show when my Erin left.  The kiss of death was when they cast the Kardashians in the show.  Then splat!  The ratings plummeted.  😝  The original intent of one to watch the show back in like back in 1998 had vanished, to put it mildly.  There is no more sexual mystique.

Doris has been part of my every von Kappelhoff since about 2006.  It started when I watched "Die Hard 2", and there was this beautiful song in that movie.  I thought, "That sure sounds like Doris Day."  So I went to Borders and bought a Doris Day compilation.  However, that song wasn't on the compact disc.  But it didn't matter, I had fallen in love with Doris's singing.  I was weeping on the very first listen, and she wasn't even dead yet.  Since then, I have been singing her every Day and will continue to do so as long as I can inshaAllah.  Today it occurred to me that I should have asked Google what that song the old janitor was listening to in "Die Hard 2".  It was "Old Cape Cod" by Patti Page.  But it was Doris who stuck with me through the tough years.  Goodbye, Doris.  I love you.  From Allah is our origin, and to Allah is our return.