Thursday, January 28, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160129

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hey there Hi there!  How's it going today?  Getting all pumped up for the Super Bowl?  I'm sure you're doing your job well.  Just make sure you are keeping fit, eating properly, and getting enough rest.  You're my girl!  I love you and I need you.

Oh, it was business as usual for me as well.  I paid my power bill this morning, then had an early lunch at Razak Curry House.  Then I paid my Internet bill and went home.  I didn't do any yard work today.  I shopped around for cooking gas, then gave my Dad a leg massage.  Dinner is the same as last night, except that I used milder ingredients.  Fish balls, garlic, onion and rice.  I only had 4 rolls today, yesterday I had 7.  It seems that the outer leaves are more suitable for rolling.  Delicious, though.  Alhamdullillah. You must try some.  The night prayer is up next, then I'm going to practice guitar.