Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120502

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

As you know, the key to making great fried noodles, and fried rice for that matter, is in the fond.  That's the sauce you make to coat the noodles, prior to adding in the noodles, cooked meat and veggies.  But I find that peeling and chopping vegetables to make a sauce too tedious and time-consuming, especially considering the fact that I don't have a food processor or blender.  So lately, I discovered a quick and easy fond, that is to use leftover curry!  It works great, and I don't have to slave over too much prep.  Hmm.  According to this theory, any sort of leftover soupy saucy foods would make a great sauce for coating noodles.  Just make sure you cook it to death before you add in the noodles.  I wonder how applesauce or baby food would work?  Hmm.  Don't ever try this trick with fried rice, though.  Fried rice is very sensitive, and takes great skill to rise above the many bad versions of fried rice out there.  Ya Allah, thank you for the knowledge and the bounty you have bestowed upon me.