Tuesday, March 3, 2020

What is socialized healthcare?

Hi Natty!  How are you feeling?  I hope you are feeling great and having an easy time.Yes I am running late today, I just got back from the mosque.  It's been a busy day today with lots of running around, and I have more to do after this.  Right now, I'm cooking beans!  It's time for more chili.

So what is socialized healthcare?  It's where the government subsidizes most of the cost of healthcare to the point where all of its citizens can afford medical treatment.  This is particularly useful in times of epidemics, when the government can screen everyone as opposed to having undocumented infectious disease carriers run loose and endanger others, because of the simple reason that they cannot afford a doctor.

We're getting there.  It still needs a lot of tweaking, but Mary Unknown7's upgraded avatar is starting to look better.  I made a mistake with the feet, my bad!  I fixed it though, but after the photo shoot was done.