Sunday, September 24, 2017

Life in the Public Eye

Oh dearest, that poor sod seems to be madly in love with you, huh?  And who can blame him, you're so beautiful.  That's what it appears to be, so I'm going to have to take things at face value.  He seems like an intelligent and educated person, and that you have known and communicated with him for a while already.  So you feel sorry for him?  That's just who you are, you're too nice.

Let me tell you a story about old friends who change.  I used to know this guy (let's call him "Pizza Guy") when I was younger, he was intelligent and educated and we were friends, we used to hang out a lot, I used to bum rides home from him, and so forth.  One Halloween, I was out on a date (she's a pretty blonde, of course).  Back then I still looked good in a dress, so I was wearing this purple and cream suit which was a favorite of mine.  We went to a club, and Pizza Guy happened to be there at the club as well.  He joined us at our table, and we all yakked about nothing in particular.  Then out of the blue he said to me, "I want to kill you" in front of my date, several times.  I guess we're not friends anymore.

Remember that snapshot of the river I showed you?  It wasn't black, it was mud- slinging mud.  So I want you to stop communicating with that hohmoon37 guy.  Let him know that he must stop contacting you, or he will be reported to the police.  If you choose to continue talking with that guy, then you will give the impression that you have chosen to marry him (whether you want to or not) to me, your bosses and most importantly, to him.  Yes Honey, marriage is a serious business.  If you choose to marry him, then you do business with him.

Natty, my parents are old.  I must do my best to take care of them, even though I have no money.  I am not doing this for selfish reasons, but to please Allah and set up a balance (commonly known as karma), so that my children will take care of their mother when she gets old.  So please be patient, mature, and understanding about this matter.  By the way, that is beautiful fabric and a beautiful outfit you're wearing from Dolce and Gabbana.  I've always liked their stuff.  I've noticed that you are carrying more name brands this year than media pets Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid combined.  They probably just got greedy, and demanded more money.  You're on the right track, Natty honey!  Enjoy your career, and hang on to yourself!

Pina, that's quite an old fashioned outfit you're wearing.  Like out of the Victorian era.  You're not even showing much leg, like that girl next to you.

What I wore yesterday was almost haute couture.  I don't know, it just happened.  Or it could even be just plain skanky.

Qur'an 20170925

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful

75.  They have not the power to help them, but they will be brought up as a troop.

76.  Let not their speech then grieve you.  Verily, We know what they hide as well as what they disclose.

77.  Does not man see that it is We who created him from sperm?  Yet behold!  He is an open adversary!

78.  And he makes comparisons for Us, and forgets his own creation.  He says, "Who can give life to bones, and decomposed ones?"

79.  Say, "God will give them life, Who created them the first time!  For God is well-versed in every kind of creation!"

Ya Sin 36:75-79