Sunday, February 14, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160215

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Princess!  Hi Angel!  How's my love doing today?  You are so beautiful, I wish I were as beautiful as you.  I just finished my dinner- it's pizza night again!  I wish you had been here to share it with me.  I've been eating a lot of pizza lately, and it looks like I'm going to eat more tomorrow.  But that avocado I bought is due to ripen finally, so I'm thinking chicken and avocado in mole sauce with fresh tortillas.  Wanna come over and join me?  I don't know why I've been eating so much pizza lately.  But it's so yummy!  Ach!  I want another pizza!

No, I can't eat another pizza.  After this, I have to set up for recording vocals again.  I'm singing a song for somebody's birthday.  I'm very fussy about recording vocals, especially about how I feel.  The worst part is trying to get comfortable, which can take hours, or even days.  I hate singers!  I wish I could give her a diamond ring, but I hope she'll be OK with a song for now.  I love her dearly.  And I need her.