Thursday, January 17, 2019

Just another average day

Hi Natty!  How are you feeling today, my beautiful Sweetheart?  I hope you are feeling healthy and confident.  Yeah, it's a crazy world and it's OK to be scared, just put your fear in the right place.  Put your fear in God, pray for help, that God will take care of the details that are beyond your reach.  Don't you worry about a thing, my dearest.  Everything will turn out just great, inshaAllah.

Oh, it's just another average day for me.  I did some vacuuming for my Mom in the morning, then went out to buy some produce.  If it seems that I'm not eating much, I have the money but I'm just trying to stick to my budget.  Discipline, you know?  So I finish off what I have.  I had some seeds in the cooler, so I planted some tomatoes and cilantro.  I made some dough, but I still had one dough ball left.  So I made a pizza crust, used "sambal tumis" (blended chillies, onions and "belacan" (fermented shrimp) fried in oil until saturated) as pizza sauce, then diced up some burgers and onions for toppings, baked it and had a cheeseless pizza for dinner.  Yeah it would be better with cheese, but alhamdulillah.  I'm going for 3 more days before I start spending again.  I don't think I'll make it though.  There's always some sort of mundane emergency.  C'est la vie, huh?