Friday, July 14, 2017

Saturday morning

I slept in a little.  They call the dawn prayer at about 6 am, and I woke up at 6:30 am.  I have been taking cough syrup which makes me very drowsy, so it made me sleep in.  I normally get up at around 5 am or earlier, and do some extra worship before the dawn prayer.  This cough is annoying though, my lungs are clogged up.  I failed yesterday's voice training- I couldn't get even one song right, so I had to give up.  This morning after doing my chores, I went to get gasoline downtown.  Yeah, it's a bit of a long drive for gasoline, but I need to keep my tires fully inflated and the gas station I go to is the only one with a working air pump.  Don't know why, possibly vandals or simply ignorant people.  It's a pleasant drive on Saturday morning.  There's not much traffic, the weather is cool, the countryside is beautiful, and the air is clean.  I drove slowly, wishing you were at the back of the motorcycle with me.  Perhaps we could stop somewhere for a cup of coffee or breakfast.  It would probably be exciting for you to try out all the local cuisines, but I worry about your tummy.  But we try something out anyway, you don't have to eat it all.  Perhaps you would like some local cakes?  We could get some food and eat by the waterfront, and watch families wander around.  If it's too busy there, we could go further down the road but then I would worry about mosquitoes.  This early is a great time for going to the market, perhaps get some greens and fresh tofu to make you a nice salad.  Instead, I went home alone and made a batch of dough.

Oh Natty, you have to look after your emotions.  I don't want you to be emotionally damaged, so I hope you didn't put yourself under any additional stress after apartment hunting.  Just veg out and eat some ice cream.  NYC isn't the best town for emotional stability, but I want you to make money for yourself while you have the opportunity.  Paris would be better for you but if you want NYC then so be it.

So that's not it, Pina?  Oh, you are in Italy and you are feeling romantic.  I'm so glad you are in Italy, because I'm certain that you are being treated well and with dignity.  You seem like a very modest girl, but you are a beautiful girl, and you wish you could share all the beauty with someone.  I wish I could be there with you, but a man needs money to pay for romance.  A man must not love at the expense of the woman.  Please keep on taking beautiful, romantic pictures, imagine I am with you talking with you.  And I am talking to you, so please talk to me.

A man must rely on himself for emotional support.

Qur'an 20170715

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

45.  Recite what is sent of the Book by inspiration to you, and establish regular prayer, for prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds.  And remembrance of Allah is the greatest, without doubt.  And Allah knows what you do.

46.  And dispute you not with the people of the Book except with means better, unless it be with those of them who inflict wrong.  But say, "We believe in the Revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you: our God and your God is One, and it is to God we bow".

47.  And thus, that We have sent down the Book to you.  So the people of the Book believe therein, as also do some of these, and none but unbelievers reject Our Signs.

The Spider  29:45-47

Therefore I want you to have a happy birthday, Natty

What a year it's been for you!  I sang you a little birthday song, I hope you like it.  It's a bit loud, so make sure you turn that volume down.  I uploaded both .mp4 and .flv formats, because my Firefox won't play .mp4, just in case yours won't either.