Monday, September 5, 2016

Qur'an 20160906

51.  Say, "Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us: God is our Protector."  And in Allah let the believers put their trust.

52.  Say, "Can you expect for us other than one of two glorious things?  But we can expect for you either that Allah will send you punishment by God Self or by our hands.  So wait: we too will wait with you."

53.  Say, "Spend willingly or unwillingly.  Not from you will it be accepted, for you are indeed a people rebellious and wicked."

(The Repentance 9:51-53)


The music is from Allah.  That the music has not received financial aid from the ummah is proof that the ummah has no faith that the music is from Allah, or that they consider the Islamic bureaucracy to be more important than Allah.  What happens next, whether they repent, is up to Allah.  I have been given the trust or "amanah" of this music, so it would be unbecoming and ungrateful of me to behave as cowardly and materialistic as others behave.  I've become old: I can't work at a pizza joint to finance the music anymore.  It's become all or nothing.  If the music dies, then I die.

China, huh?  You seem afraid, Erin my love.  Everything will be OK, inshaAllah.  Learn to place your fear in Allah, and Allah will return the innocence you once had back into your heart.  You will look so much better.  Pray.  I am well known in China, mashaAllah.  Don't be fooled by illusions, Sweetie.  Conduct your business as if I am constantly standing next to you.