Wednesday, August 12, 2020

My Boss is Allah

I'm afraid the stream is still messed up folks, and I am not able to deliver Mary Unknown7's singing to the rest of the world outside of the local area.  I talked to my ISP about when they would restore my proper service, and they gave me a political answer: "As soon as possible".  A political answer tells me that there are politics involved, and I can understand if the people want to keep the music local.  But my Boss is Allah, and my orders are to stand my ground here and present the music to the world.  So this is my response: actions speak louder than words.  The world can see how much regard people have for the music that Allah gave me by the way they treat me.  I am being kept so poor that I cannot afford to marry my Natty, nor able to afford music and computer services and equipment.  I plead my case to Allah.