Saturday, April 23, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160424

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

I'm grateful for your body too, Sweetie.  I will more grateful when you are with me inshaAllah, and I get to inspect your body closely.  You are beautiful.  Please don't lose your sweetness, now that you're becoming wiser and metropolitan.  Ya Allah, please protect my family and keep us strong and healthy.  Did you enjoy that bubble bath, by the way?  You looked angry to me.  People don't normally soak for a long time in hot baths here in the tropics.  Fungus.

Nothing out of the ordinary going on here.  Well it rained today, which is a big deal when there's been a drought.  I made a tofu and cheese omelet with the clam broth from yesterday.  It tasted great, but it wasn't photogenic so I don't have a picture to show you.  I got impatient and folded it over too soon.  Right now, I'm watching "How jet engines work" on TV.  Now that you both are globetrotting, please be safe and don't take unnecessary risks, OK?  I love you and I need you.