Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Be kind to animals

Hi Natty!  How are you feeling, my beautiful Sweetheart?  Still not ready?  None of us ever are, my love.  But you can do it!  I'm glad to see you active and up and about.  It's still terribly hot around here, I would be so into some cool spring weather right now.  You were quiet for an awfully long time, I was afraid that you were afraid to express yourself.  I think it's awesome that you be conscious about your cosmetics.  I think it's about time you thought about diversifying your income, do it while you have money.  Did you know that Martha Stewart used to be a model?  Just think about it, Natty.  There's no rush.  In fact, don't rush for anything.  Slow down your precious heart, and don't worry about a thing because I will take care of you inshaAllah.