Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150716

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello my beautiful darling Erin.  How's the most feminine movie star in the world doing today?  You may not think so, but I think all this competitiveness is not a blessing.  But I am on your side, and it is my responsibility to provide for you inshaAllah.  So all those other girls look like men to me.

I'm sitting here waiting to break my fast as usual, and watching Mork and Mindy: Mork's Seduction.  I think this is the best episode, it's so funny.  Don't you agree that comedians are the most serious people in the world?  It must be so sad to have to be funny all the time.  Especially those physical comedians- one would need drugs to have to be a 24 hour party.  How would it be possible to take a break from being funny?  To be serious?  Humor is a paradox.

For dinner is a tortilla and a block of tofu smothered in spicy sauce, with dried fried onions sprinkled on top.  Vegetarian!  The tofu is 5 days old, so it's not so fresh.  Tofu ferments well, but the flavor difference between fresh and fermented tofu is huge.  Would you like to share my dinner with me?  It's nice and healthy and good for you!  Erin, you are MY girl.  I love
you, and I need you.