Sunday, July 12, 2020

July is International Pizza Month

Hi Natty!  How are you today?  I hope you are healthy and having a blast.  As you well know, July is International Pizza Month.  So I've been getting the stuff together to make a few pizzas.  I got the spicy sausage done, the basil is still too young but usable (I should have started the basil a month earlier), now I have to make the dough, shred the cheese, and make the sauce.  Oh yeah, and make the pizzas.  What used to take me 4 hours every morning prepping for 50 plus pizzas and pastas, salads, chicken wings, etc etc is taking me 4 days for 3 pizzas.  Granted, I've become old and I don't have the time nor equipment.  But I'm happy and grateful to God those days are over, and I escaped with my life, the music, and some knowledge of cooking.  InshaAllah all will be done in time for the deadline of Tuesday, which is the Great Pizza Day.  Please make sure you eat pizza this month.   I love you!