Hi Natty! How are you? It must be awfully exciting for you over there. Happy 4th of July, by the way! Oh, but you're not American. You're probably not even in America. Sigh... travel is truly for the young. Add glitz and glamor to that, and you must be having a marvelous time. Now don't you worry about me. I've already chosen you, and I'm a pretty stubborn guy. You just enjoy the ride, be MY girl and be faithful OK!
I never prank my cats. I'm very serious about their health, trust and happiness. They are my friends, and my precious kitties. I'm very serious about the food they eat and the snacks I give them. So I always try to give them exactly what they need. InshaAllah. This goes for you too, Natty. If you happen to get too much of anything, then you must know that it's a prank. You are being watched for your reaction. So please have modest desires.
Mary's outfit today is:
:*BABY*: Sparkling Barbie Lipstick
.: MB :. Barbie Mini Dress
BM Jellby Sandal
JellyRoll - Giselle Hairstyle