Friday, July 5, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130706

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello there, my dearest Julia.  Oh, how I am missing you so.  Oh, how I long to be happily married to you.  What are you doing?  Do you know that I am all alone, waiting for Allah to grant me the means to make yu my wife?  I want to give you your house.  I want to love you.

I was going to blog a love letter to you on Thursday, but it looked like it rain that morning, so I stayed home.  I posted Thursday's letter today.  Please forgive me.  It had been raining every day lately, and for some reason my body was in pain, so I took the chance to stay home and do nothing but watch TV and be miserable.  I feel better today, but I must try to slow down.  We must try to slow down.  Together.  Try to enjoy what we have, and not let ourselves be caught up in other people's impatience.  You're so beautiful, Julia.  I want to love you.  I do love you.  You are the most beautiful girl in the world.

Please maintain your prayers, Julia my love.  Be strict about maintaining your prayers, especially the Asr prayer in the middle of the day, when business is hectic.  More than just identifying you as a Muslim and having the respect of others thereof, your habit of prayer is part of your personal relationship with God, and purifies you.  Be a diva for the Cause of Allah.  Boss Model.

Letter to Julia 20130704

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hey there, Julia my beloved.  I know I said that I was feeling rather reclusive this week, but I had to come in and post a letter to my sweetheart Julia, so as to let her understand that I will not abandon her, because she is the most beautiful girl in the world to me, and that I love her so.  Ya Allah, please bring Julia and I together in love, happiness and security soon.  It's been raining everyday lately, and the nights have been rather cold.  So I have been allowing the cats to stay indoors all night.  Batty seems to have a sporadic cough, I pray it's nothing serious.  I finally got around to making a batch of dough for my chili.  I rolled out and cooked tortillas before the dawn prayer this morning.  There's nothing as sweet as fresh bread!