Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130620

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Julia.  How are you feeling today?  I am fasting today.  No, it's not Ramadan yet.  Ramadan begins on Wednesday, July 10.  Hey, that's Andre's birthday!  Yeah, I remember my old friends, and they still visit me in my dreams.  But anyhow, I'm fasting today.  I love the fasting moth.  It's my favorite time of year, because I find it to be very surreal.  Allah sent Bat Cat to me about a week before last year's Ramadan, right when the Colorado theater shooting was.  Hence his name, Bat Cat.  Plus, he looks kind of like a bat.

I spent the early evening clearing out the area where I hope to build Casa de Julia someday soon, inshaAllah.  What if I suddenly came into a lot of money?  I thought to myself.  Then I would immediately go into motion to marry you.  First, I would have to prepare this little house for you to live in while we build Casa de Julia, namely buy the land, then build your bathroom and our master bedroom, and make the doorways taller.  At least.  All this before you can move in.  After that, I would go (or send someone) to Germany to fetch you, to bring you back here for a simple ceremony at the local mosque.  If you have a big production planned, then it would be in addition to this.

Of course you can come over and we'll live in a hotel while we work on the house.  I don't want to move out of the house even temporarily, because of my singing routine, and to take care of my parents.  Plus, I love small houses.  Would you want to live here while all the building and whatever is going on within?  You might be pregnant, you know.  Otherwise, we'll go with my plan, which could be time consuming.  It all seems so small and tedious doesn't it, compared with your glitzy fashion shows, mansions, and penthouses.  But mashaAllah, what's occurring here is bigger than all that.  Do you believe?