Monday, December 11, 2017

Hi Honey

How are you today, my love?  I hope you're taking good care of yourself if you are busy.  We do want to be busy somewhat- although it may seem nice to be on a permanent vacation, some of us work so that others can make a living.  I guess that's part of what being a human being is about, to be useful to society.  I'm writing this letter a little earlier than usual, because I need to waste some time.  It's the night market today, and my Mom wants me to buy some "pasembor" for her. which is like a mixed meat and veggie in a sweet savory sauce concoction.  A local cuisine.  Not my taste, personally.  Actually my stomach isn't happy with me for stretching leftovers, but what to do?  I don't believe in waste, and if it smells and tastes OK, then we have to trust our senses and decide that it is OK.  So the wisdom here is that our senses can be wrong, even the senses of sensitive people like us.  If it is God's plan to test us, then we will be tested.