Sunday, June 17, 2018

Hi Honey

How are you doing today?  I hope you are doing and feeling great.  Of course I think of you all the time.  I love you and I will marry you inshaAllah.  Today is Sunday.  As usual I had to clean my mother's bedroom in the morning.  I have all this extra time now that the fasting month is over.  It's still not enough time though, plus I'm lazy.  It rained today, so I didn't have to do any yard work.  Instead, I worked a little on Shadowplay's next album.  What's it called?  It's a secret!  😆  I put down a few drum tracks with my wonderful new drum which I made myself.  It sounds so huge!  Real drums make all the difference for me.  Nothing special on the menu today.  Just leftovers from the Eid and fasting month, of which I have plenty to use up.  I had a dough ball that was one month old.  But that's what's so great about bread- it's now sourdough!  I LOVE sourdough.  Maybe I should always let my dough age a month.  Want some?  Oooh it's still gluten though...

Hi Natty Honey!  Wassap, beautiful girl?  Natty loves the drums!  Right?  Are you a dancing girl, Natty?  You certainly have the agility, but do you have the moves?  It's dark and gloomy here today, and very wet.  But I like that!  I loathe hot weather.  It's nice and cool right now, so I'm in a great mood.  The computer wants you to watch a movie today.  Sherlock Holmes!  "The House Of Fear" (1945).  This one is on YouTube!