Friday, September 11, 2020

Qur'an 20200912

 In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

13.  Those who lagged behind will say when you march and take booty, "Permit us to follow you."  They wish to change Allah's decree.  Say, "Not thus will you follow us.  Allah has declared beforehand."  Then they will say, "But you are jealous of us."  No, but little do they understand.

14.  Say to the Arabs who lagged behind, "You shall be summoned to fight a people given to vehement war: then shall you fight, or they shall submit.  Then if you show obedience, Allah will grant you a goodly reward, but if you turn back as you did before, God will punish you with a grievous penalty."

The Victory 48:13-14

Tater tots and grapes

 Hi Natty!  How are you?  I hope you are keeping your distance from the crowd, even though you must be very popular right now.  For me, self-isolation is part of my personality.  There's a spike in covid cases close by, at the city where the vet wanted me to take Floofy to for a surgical procedure.  Floofy is peeing in drips, but at least it's coming out so alhamdulillah.  She doesn't want breakfast or dinner, only snacks, so I have to force feed her antibiotics.  Which isn't easy because she's still strong, and I almost got mauled just now.  I have to deny her water but I offer it to the other cats.  Lily spilled her water so Floofy could drink it.  Aw.  These cats gang up on me.

Dinner was home made tater tots and grapes.  Well I ate the tater tots first, now I'm enjoying the grapes.  They're nice and purple and firm and fat, and I got them at the supermarket yesterday.  It's a simple dinner, I guess.  Want some?