Thursday, July 2, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150703

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin!  How are you feeling today, my beloved?  Are you being optimistic for me?  Please maintain your prayers as well.  I seem to be back on schedule right now, and am writing this letter while I wait to break my fast.  I just paid my bills so I'm broke, so I have a humble meal: sausage calzone without cheese, breadsticks, banana bread, red sugar water, and a date.  But you are more than welcome to share my food.  Because I love you, and I need you.

I managed to acquire a copy of the movie, "The Sandlot".  I haven't watched it yet, but you can bet that I will.  No I'm not a gambling man, so let me rephrase that: I will watch it inshaAllah.  My most favorite movie of all time and all space, that I can watch over and over again without getting bored is a Doris Day flick from 1948 called "My Dream Is Yours".  Oh, I love that movie!  Just thinking about it makes me want to cry.

Bob Cat has ear mites.  He's been scratching his ears so passionately, that his left ear is bleeding!  So I put one of those restraining collars on him, and locked him up in the cage.  What a nuisance.  Not only do I have to doctor a cut ear, I have to get rid of the ear mites completely, otherwise he'll rip his ears off.  Looks like Bobby is going to be a prisoner for a while.  To protect him from himself.