Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Letter to Julia 20110908

Hello there, my beautiful beloved Julia. Yes, you are a beauty, a truly global beauty. Yes, I love you and I want to marry you. Yes, of course I have been missing you, because I have great longing to be with you, but I must be patient, until Allah grants me the means to afford to give you and our children a good life, as I said, I do not want to give you my poverty. It is not impossible my dearest, but we must be patient, and we must pray. You do know that I do not look for you on the internet. Because no news is better than bad news, which leaves me my love, imagination and desire to fuel my tenacity to be married to you. And I want to marry you, Julia. I have on this old computer of mine, which runs on Windows ME which I rebuilt from the trash dump, a randomized slide show of your photos which I accumulated when I first proposed to you back in 2009, as my view into your eyes and soul, something to pray for. Certainly, we are both private people, so I just want us to be married. For insyaAllah, I have not been untrue to my promise to marry you, and have been waiting all this while for Allah to allow me the means to give you the happiness and security in marriage that we both need.

Truly, there is nothing else for me to do but wait for you. I am older than you so I have less time, but that's OK. I don't feel like going anywhere anymore, I just want to be like a tree and take root, and be with my Julia, and give her a good life.