Thursday, August 8, 2019

Hi Natty

Natty, you're so beautiful.  I love you.  I'm sorry you have the need to escape at all.  I'm sorry everything is so serious.  But you have to be serious if you want to be taken seriously, I hope you understand.  Perhaps you have noticed, but I never joke around with the lyrics when I sing.  Because it's very damned serious, people don't want to hear their beloved songs become messed up.  Don't you worry my gorgeous Sweetheart, everything is going to turn out just fine for us InshaAllah.  Me?  I don't want to escape.  I want to work.  What I don't want is manual labor.  My feet hurt.

As you can see folks, the swelling has gone down and she's using both eyes.  But we still have a way to go before she's fully recovered.  Please pray with me.  Ya Allah, please heal my kitten.