Saturday, April 21, 2018

Aw Erin

Hi Honey.  You are my beautiful and beloved sweetheart, and I love you so much.  Please don't worry, inshaAllah everything will turn out just great.  Meanwhile, please eat well and get plenty of rest, and don't forget to pray.  Maybe you would like to have one of my steak, onion and mushroom burritos?  I made 3 for dinner, but I guess I ate them all.  😁  I'll make one for you next time inshaAllah.  Or perhaps you would prefer a tofu, onion and mushroom burrito.  Which actually tastes quite awesome.

Natty Honey, that's a cute outfit.  Congratulations on being there at the awards, it's certainly a step up.  All you had to do was be there.  You are a beautiful girl.