Monday, October 29, 2018

The abandoned city

Hi Natty honey!  How wonderful it is to see you again, I love you so.  You look as rustic and muted as the cabin except for your expensive shoes, they shine as bright as the sun.  It seems like a lovely little hideaway that you've found for yourself there, but I find it hard to believe that you are too far removed from society, judging from that drink you're holding, you can't be that far away from a convenience store.  Have fun at your mountain cabin, Honey.  Practice cooking!

With my bright white and black outfit, I knew I wanted a dark city for my next photo shoot.  These photo shoots take forever!  First I have to plan the outfit, then scout the location, then compose the snapshots.  The abandoned city is an eerie place.  It was designed as a center of decadence, now it has an aura of forsaken decadence.  Imagine that.  Creepier still is how clean it is.  Even though most of the stores are vacant, there is no trash anywhere, the food looks freshly made, the bottles of liquor full and unopened, the sex toys and torture devices clean and unused.  While wandering around, I constantly felt as if I were to be ambushed by zombies at any time, but no...  Not even the zombies wanted to be there.