Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Hi Honey

How are you today?  How was work?  It was a rather busy day for me today.  I was awake early to do extra worship, but I did get a couple of extra hours sleep in after the dawn prayer for a total of 6 hours.  That should be good enough for an adult with a busy lifestyle.  After the morning chores, I had an early lunch then commuted downtown to run some errands.  I hate commute, but oh well.  Drivers here are more psycho than the USA, and almost none of them are drunk.  I bought a lot of cheap perfume- I found a deal for 3 vials for RM10.  It was jasmine flower perfume: it smells like jasmine when you sniff the bottle and put some one, but after a while on the skin it smells very Middle East.  Just some stuff to wear to the mosque.  I cut the grass over at your house in the evening.  There should be room for 2 identical houses in that area inshaAllah, plus my little house/office/studio right next to it, so I'm never away from my wives at any time.  I don't have any friends, so I will only be hanging out with my wife.  I had rice and eggs for dinner, then my Dad gave me some cockles so I had to process that quickly.  Clams must be cooked immediately!  I think I'll make fried flat noodles with cockles tomorrow, a local delicacy and one of my favorites.  It's raining right now, so I won't make it to the mosque.  After this I have to prepare a letter for the taxman, then I have to work on my wardrobe.  You have a great day, OK?  I love you.