Wednesday, May 26, 2021



How are you, Natty?  Of course I worry and think of you, because I love you and I will marry you inshaAllah.  Are you still in Venice Beach?  I know you love that place, and it sure has cleaned up over there the past few days, and it looks like the movies again.  Those unwanted people have to go somewhere, though.  Check out the video above.  Isn't it so convenient that those fights took place in front of cameras?  Plus you don't have to pawn video clips like that to the major networks anymore.  Social media has a wider range and a more immediate response.  What matters to me Honey, is that you keep yourself safe and healthy until the time comes when I can fetch you inshaAllah.  Staying put at a safe and familiar place may be boring to you.  Then again, it may not be.