Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150324

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

It's almost mango season.  Last season, there were so many seedlings that I decided to save and nurse them, perhaps someone would want them.  I spoke to a pro, and he said I needed to "marry" them to a mature mango of the same type, so they would acquire the strengths of the mature tree and bear fruit sooner.  The type that grows in my yard is Harumanis.  I recalled some methods of making hybrid mangoes from biology class in high school, so I decided to "marry" them to the mother tree, which is big and strong.  They're plants, so don't say "ew".  But my methods failed, because the shoots didn't bond to the seedlings, and they dried up and died.  So I watched a video on the proper method, then redid all of them, hopefully the roots aren't dead yet.  Then Bob Cat attacked one of them, and I discovered that I hadn't secured the bond properly.  The cat fancies himself a farmer.  Well, I hope I will raise good hybrids inshaAllah, with the help of Bobby-Wobby the mango farmer.  It looks like there will be hundreds more seedlings this year.

I have 3 female cats that live indoors, and they will probably spend their entire lives inside the house.  Their names are ----, ----, and -------.  They are definitely at the age where they should be going in heat.  I've been preparing myself for the potential racket, but they haven't begun howling in earnest yet, which is odd to me.  Mama cat Floofy has been spending more time indoors with them.  Perhaps that has something to do with it, I don't know.  Perhaps it's because they have each other.  One thing is for certain, that a cat in heat will do her howling right at my bedroom door.  It's one of those certainties in life.  Like death and taxes.

How are you doing, my dearest heart?  My beautiful Erin.  I pray you are feeling healthy and happy, and learning how to relax.  I'm obviously in a better mood than last time.  When I start to meow, then you know my mood is getting better.  I want you to know that I love you with all my heart.  I love you, and I need you.