Friday, March 1, 2019

Fame is how you smell it

Hi Erin!  How's life?  It's a struggle to be normal, I'm sure.  I think few of us ever find satisfaction in it.  I am carrying a tiny bit of a surplus right now, but I need to spend on the Internet so I'm being cautious.  Work, you know.  Since I didn't eat out, I cook according to what's in my cooler.  Lunch was liver, tomatoes and ginger with tortillas, and I was out of time for dinner so I fried up some chicken nuggets I had left in there.  Knowing how to cook really helps.  Alhamdulillah.  That way you save so much on food, and you learn to "ride the refrigerator" so to speak.  It's a spiritual thing.  Allah is the One Who provides sustenance.  Have faith, Honey.  We'll come together inshaAllah.  Stay fit and stay active OK?  I love you.

Hi Natty!  How are your emotions?  Please try to be patient.  Of course I long to be with you, and the waiting is hard on me too.  But don't you worry about a thing OK?  InshaAllah everything will turn out just great for us.  You are such a beautiful girl, and I love you.

I admit that I'm a lazy slob, always have been.  I do shower and brush my teeth, y'know.  But nothing I do is good enough for anybody- maybe I should work for a perfume company.  Nah, no time.  I don't take fame seriously enough.  I used to when I was younger.  I guess I lost interest in doing things just for the sake of being seen/smelled.  That's why having an avatar is so handy.  I guess I need to get back to that, huh.  😫  Yeah yeah, I just showered an brushed my teeth.  I'll put on some perfume and eat some mint as I go out...