Thursday, May 10, 2018

Coup de gras

Hi Honey!  How are you today?  I wish you were here with me, so we can snuggle and kiss.  I hope you are doing well though, and life is going smoothly and easily for you.  It's another average day for me.  I did my usual chores, had ramen for lunch... I love ramen!  Oh and I cut the grass at the side of the road, it was just getting too long and messy.  Nobody else is going to do it, obviously.  Now that the political season is over, I can show my face again to people, so I went out and bought a packet of noodles and some scallions.  I made chicken chow mein for dinner.  I promise you that you will love my fried noodles inshaAllah, I've got the routine down pat now, and today I used chicken broth for an extra flavor kick.  Plus, they're delicious when cold too.  If you were to raid the fridge at midnight, my leftover fried noodles would be the first thing you would nab!

Hi Canada!  How are you doing, Natty Sweetheart?  Want some chicken chow mein?  It's awesome!  Today, the computer wants you to watch another Jim Carrey movie.  I love "Dumb and Dumber".  It's a true classic, and a comedic masterpiece.  His best work.  I think of scenes from that movie and start laughing to myself at random times.  But today, please watch "Liar Liar" from 1997.  It kind of goes with the political season, I guess.