Friday, May 8, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150509

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello there Erin, my most beautiful friend and love.  How are you feeling today?  I pray you are feeling great.  Because I love you, and I need you. 

Today is Friday.  Every Friday I have to attend Friday prayers, so I try not to go anywhere in the morning, so I can get there early.  Today I was there first.  When one has a routine based on the instructions of the Qur'an, it becomes much easier to observe how life and the environment responds to Allah.  Certainly no human can accurately predict when the rain falls, but when we leave that to Allah, then Allah will grant us rain in accordance with our piety.  The skeptics maintain that the rain is just there, like life is just there, with no divine governance whatsoever.  Thus they regard the Signs of God as a joke.  When the time comes and they receive the  evidence they persistently desire, it will be in the form of a painful humiliation.  How else would you convince someone who wants his ass to be kicked before he is convinced?  But forgive them, and leave it to God to kick their asses.  After all, they are just there like the waste of our time.

Hm.  I'm watching the Donny and Marie show right now.  I used to watch this show all the time when I was small.  There were only 2 channels on TV back then.  You weren't born yet when the TV variety show was common.  How would you fit in with the Donny and Marie show?  How about those outfits, huh?  More interesting than what's going on stage is the audience.  I've never seen an audience so well behaved like in this show.  Almost like church.  Check it out.