Saturday, March 5, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160306

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Greetings, my dearest love.  How are you feeling?  How about you?  You know that I feel the same way.  We're all waiting for something, and I've been waiting longer than you.  So please stay positive, and pray.  After all, you are at the top of your profession.  Heaven is for the next life.  So enjoy where you are, and know that I love you and need you.

I have to admit that I enjoy the way I feel nowadays.  It would be awesome if I could slow down even more, but hey life isn't perfect.  The cats pee faster than I can prepare mop water.  But at least I don't need to attribute how I feel to a substance or lack thereof.  Besides not have my girl, that is.

There's a lot of debris around your house inshaAllah due to all the chainsawing I did lately, plus the scrub that the neighbor helped clear (thank you) that needs to be broken down for systematic burning, so I worked on that in the evening.  Besides being an amateur fire marshal, I need to generate earth so I have to burn in a place where I can collect the ash.  The monsoon still hasn't arrived, so the mango trees have no flowers thus no fruit yet.  This means the price of harumanis is going to skyrocket.  InshaAllah.

As I write this letter, I'm frying up some anchovies for my snack mix.  Unlike you girls, I prefer savory over sweet.  I do like sweet, but not everyday.  Dinner was a sausage and tofu pizza.  Awesome!  Alhamdulillah.  The key is fresh tofu.  There's an excellent tofu maker at the market downtown, nice and soft and milky white.  Really, I'm not the type that eats pizza everyday.  It's that a batch of dough yields 5 pizza doughs, and become unusable quickly if the quality is high.  Oh, I guess I could always freeze them.  But it's so tasty!  Want some pizza?

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