Saturday, April 24, 2021



Hi Natty.  How are you today, Honey?  I hope all is well with you.  Little Lily had a seizure today.  I was sweeping the house and she was watching me.  She was very energetic and hyperactive, then as I was temporarily outside she had a seizure.  It lasted about 30 seconds.  She wasn't in heat, she was eating normally, she did have that fever last week which she barely came out of a few days ago.  That's 3 seizures in one year, which began with her first heat.  I think it might be congenital, maybe a lack of diversity in her family caused her to be born with brain damage.  I'm also starting to think that grey and white cats are sickly, for me that is.  On 29 April it will be one year since she and her brother came into my life.  I don't think Lily will live a long life.  Ya Allah, please heal and protect my cats.  Give them long happy lives and dignified deaths.