Sunday, June 21, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150622

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin!  My beloved!  How are you feeling today?  I pray you are feeling healthy and confident.  Please make sure you get lots of beauty rest, because you are so beautiful to me.  I love you, and I need you.

Right now I'm watching an old episode of the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, while I'm waiting to break my fast.  My Bat Cat seems to be healing OK, so there's no alarm there.  I wanted to get more done today, but it's too early in the fasting month to go at my usual pace.  Plus, I'm lazy.  Voice training went quite well today- I think it's because I remembered to take a shot of honey before beginning the fast this morning.

Chee Cheah is the oldest kitty I have.  I met her 7 years ago, and I think she was 5 then, so that makes her about 12 years old.  She's not much of an indoors cat because she's a persistent violator of the 3 P's rule: no peeing, no pooping and no puking in the house.  And now that Floofy and her daughters have taken control of the house, I can't bring her inside at all which is a shame, because she's an old kitty.  But she seems to prefer the outside.  I'm not rationalizing, she does prefer being an outside kitty.  She has to wear a protective collar all the time now, because she's an itchy kitty and she would scratch all her fur off if she did not have to wear that collar.  Not even the vet knows why she's so itchy, and the anti itch medication doesn't work.  She didn't want to be photographed just now, but after a few shots I succeeded, as you can see.  That expression on her face means, "You feed me when I ask you to feed me, not when you want to feed me."  All the outdoors cats share their food with each other for some reason.  Bob Cat is the supervisor of the cat food, but they always leave food for each other, for those busy cats who miss the feeding times at dawn and 4 pm.  It's certainly not because they like each other.  Chee Cheah is always by herself outside of feeding time, pondering over something.  Or remembering, rather.

Qur'an 20150622

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

30.  Or do they say, "A poet!  We await for him some calamity by time!"

31.  Say, "Await you!  I too will wait along with you!"

The Mountain 52:30-31

Await you!  I too will wait along with you!