Friday, July 10, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150711

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello there Erin, my most beautiful beloved.  How are you feeling today?  I pray you are feeling healthy and happy.  I'm doing OK, waiting here as usual to break my fast.  It will be the Eid next Friday, so I'm busy cutting grass. making the outside look somewhat presentable.  I cleared up my grandparents' grave also.  So I'm quite tired right now.

For dinner it's just simple bread and meat.  They're having a party at the mosque.  Party! Party! Party! Party! Party!  I don't like parties, so I'll just go there later when it dies down.  Actually it's not a party, but a breaking fast spread.  I hope you are taking good sweet care of yourself, maintaining your prayers, and getting plenty of rest.  I love you, and I need you.