Wednesday, February 10, 2021



Hi Natty!  How are you today, my darling?  I hope you are staying safe and healthy.  Do you like these flowers?  They are cashew flowers.  I have a cashew tree in my front yard, and it's already productive even though it's only 6 years old.  I get white flowers on my tree.  Right now, it seems that this year's cashew harvest is going to be a good one inshaAllah.  I like cashews.  I use the meat primarily, to make condiments and sauces.  It should also go well in a soup or stew structure.  I don't know about cashew smoothies, I guess there's only one way to find out.  I'm not able to process the nuts, though.  The nut shells have a sticky yellow resin in them when raw, and I don't have an efficient way to roast them.  Then I don't have a nut extractor.  I tried processing cashew nuts before with the means that I do have, and it was a mess I tell you.
I'm keeping at home today, and trying to avoid people.  Why am I trying to avoid people?  Because I don't want to marry their daughters.  I want to marry my Natty.  I feel like I have an empty 20 liter bottle of drinking water, so I take it to the sundry shop to get a refill which is RM3.  The woman there says she hasn't bought the refills yet so I say that's OK, I'll fill it somewhere else and give her RM3.  When I get back to give her the money, she says it will be RM15 for the bottle.  I say why should I give her anything at all, since I already paid for the bottle and the refill?  I give her a 20 and tell her to take RM3 and give me back the change, but she keeps the whole 20.  So I say to her, "You're too ashamed to ask me for help, but you're not too ashamed to swindle me!"

Mary Unknown7 didn't like the dress she wore today.  She said it's too loose.  Well that's what you get when you have a lot of clothes, is that you have a lot of clothes that don't quite fit.