Sunday, August 15, 2021

Working with a piece of shit


Hi Natty!  How are you today, Honey?  Is everything calm and sweet for you?  I sure hope so!  I want to give you a wonderful life and happiness, because I love you so much.  I just got done with dinner.  I fried up some beef chow mein.  Yeah it was some labor, but I have a set routine so it wasn't too tiring nor too much of a hassle nor generate much trash.  I have some left over, would you like some?

Oh no folks, I meant my piece of shit cymbal that I bought online.  Cymbals are EXPENSIVE!  So I bought the cheapest I could find, a "Gazechimp" directly from mainland China!  That cost me about 70 bucks local currency.  I was banking on my theory that every cymbal has a sweet spot.  Which turned out to be true in this case.  Of course it depends on where you hit it, how hard you hit it, and what you use to hit it with.  A metal screwdriver has a different effect than my usual bamboo wand.  No, I don't use drumsticks.  Except for rolling out dough.  As you can see, the cymbal is concave in the opposite direction.  No big deal, that just means it sounds better upside down.  I'm pretty excited about these drum tracks, folks.  InshaAllah they will sound awesome.