Friday, December 30, 2016


You've been kind of restless lately, huh?  I guess the New Year brings excitement and possibilities.  Magic!  It's a spiritual path for me, and my wife.  So I suppose that could manifest itself as magic.  To me it's the same old day.  One day inshaAllah, I will finally get married.  What a day that will be.  Then it will the same old day again, but with my wife.  I love you.

Hm.  You're restless too, Natty.  You have a heavy heart, but you're restless.  It's pretty clear to everyone I think, that your career is shining bright ahead of you.  So go ahead and cheer up.  I will look after you and marry you, InshaAllah.

Oh, you're restless too Pina!  I always thought you were a cool cat.  No ambition, always in the background kind of girl.  Well I think you're going to have a great career too InshaAllah.

You must pray.  You must stay financially liquid (no debts), stay away from drugs and alcohol, and protect your chastity.  Let's not be ignorant, OK?  The problem with money is that most of the time, it's dirty.  A lot of money is a lot of filth.  Organized crime has become more efficient, because they invested in politics.  But their weakness remains the same: entertainment.  Booze, drugs, gambling, prostitution.  Media.