Monday, January 4, 2021

What's the rush?

 Hi Natty honey!  How are you feeling today?  How's life over there in SoCal?  Is it still raining?  I hope you are healthy and keeping safe.  I'm blogging a little early today.  Oh there's no rush, the sky is really gloomy outside so I'm not doing any yard work.  I did have to go spend some money at the night market.  Even though it's dark with rain clouds at 5 pm, the hawkers are still there facing the odds.  Sometimes it's dark without rain.  Maybe.  I bought some small curry pups and some sweet cakes.

The cake above is called "tepung talam".  It's sweet, it's made of flour, sugar and coconut milk.  I also have some leftover shepherd's pie that my Mom gave me last night, I'm going to heat that up and eat that as well.  So It looks like I'm not just going to be lazing around this evening, I'm also going to be stuffing myself silly while watching YouTube.