Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Yaaaay Erin! Woo Hoo! Go Erin Go Erin Go! You can do it! You can win!!!!

Wahoooo!  One more game to go!  You can do it, Erin!  You can be the champion!  Oh, I'm so excited!  Go Erin Go!  Yeeeehaw!

Congratulations Natty, and you are so beautiful.  You look absolutely great as a name brand model, and I am very proud of you.

I'm reached my data cap, so I will only be able to post mostly words for the next few days.  Also no Second Life, so you won't find me there until next week.

Hmmm, yesterday I had 7 guppies and today I have only 6.  Where are my fish going?  I can't find any fish carcasses on my bedroom floor.  The cats never had any interest in my guppies and besides, my bedroom is a closed door to naughty kitties.  Plus, there's only missing fish and no watery mess.  Mystery of the Missing Fish.