Monday, May 21, 2018

Please be with me

Hi Honey!  How's it going today?  How was work?  I miss you, and I love you.  It's a Monday over here, and I'm doing OK.  I'm finally getting used to the fasting routine, and I have my energy back.  Somewhat.  It's all a matter of arranging eating and sleeping times.  My Mom gave me some bread and curry, so I'll be breaking fast with that.  It's not enough bread for me though, so I'll fry up more after I post this letter.  Plus, I have lots of mangoes right now!  If I have time, I think I'll watch "The Wolf on Wall Street" tonight.  I would like to say again for you to please be with me on Second Life.  If you are there with me, then I would have no need for an apprentice.

And what's my Natty Honey doing right now?  Are you in school?  Is it raining over there?  What are you having for dinner?  Are you mad at me again?  You are a beautiful girl, and I love you.  No, you don't have to watch this movie with me.  I don't even know if I will have a chance to see it- I haven't seen this movie yet anyway.  But it does seem appropriate for the now.